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We go above and beyond in providing exceptional care to our service users.

Image by National Cancer Institute
Family Album

About Us

Empamic Care is one of the leading domiciliary care providers in the West Midlands. We provide individualised care to our clients and improve their quality of life while treating everyone with respect and upholding their rights. We achieve this by offering competent, professional support and care-associated domestic assistance. We have dedicated and experienced carers who are committed to improving service users’ lives in the comfort of their own homes.

In Good Hands
Man on Wheelchair
A nurse taking care of ole patient

Reablement Service

Our Reablement Service is designed to assist your loved ones in regaining the skills required to return to their own home.

Live-in Care

We provide you with a stay in care and support worker who will stay 7-days-a week for as long as you would like.

Palliative Care

Our caregivers are professionally trained and sufficiently experienced to provide the best, compassionate care.

Our Services

Contact Us


The Saturn Centre,

Spring Road, Ettingshall,




07402749408 (24-hour phone line)

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Sat - Sun


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